Happy Light


Enjoy more natural sunlight?

If you don’t work near a window or you do not go out  for sun bath as often as you need. Lacking of sunshine can affect your mood, energy, sleep, appetite and more. There is a way to bring the summer daylight indoors year round with the 6000 Energy Lamp from Verilux.

Need a drug-free, caffeine free mood and energy enhancement?

Use the HappyLight 6000 Energy Lamp in the morning before going to work. Or in the late afternoon  after work or whenever you feel fatigued, lethargic and need to boost your spirit 

• Natural Daylight Spectrum of 2,000 lux.
• we go to work at dawn, spend the day in an intensity of light of approximately 500 lux, return home at dusk and often spend the evenings sitting in a dim room watching television. Many people are very sensitive to this period of relative darkness, and experience many unpleasant symptoms as a result of this lack of light.
• The use of good full spectrum lighting in school or the workplace, instead of conventional fluorescent lighting, has been proven to improve productivity, academic achievement and reduce rates of absenteeism.
• Helps recalibrate and normalize Circadian Rhythms for a healthy night's sleep.